
I have decided on the occasion of finishing three (not all-that-long) books in the past week to read through my accumulated stack before looking at anything new or different. The result is roughly 4,000 pages of required reading; perhaps I'll get an exact count for a Daytum panel. It feels like a pretty tall order.

Last year I read approximately 31 books that were not graphically oriented. They tended to not be terribly long, so at an average of 250 pages, that makes 7750 for the year. I also believe, on average, that they were probably less dense than those to be found on my Goodreads list (to-read + currently-reading). Given that, and slightly increased magazine reading over 2008, I'm probably looking at seven to eight months before I can go looking for anything new to read. That is, somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In other words, the goal is to finish up before attending the Vancouver Film Festival around the beginning of October. There are only 2.5 fiction books out of the 9+ total, but hopefully Infinite Jest can absorb several non-fiction titles to maintain a pleasantly even ratio.



I'm sure this has been noted elsewhere already, but Cliff Lee has already given up more runs in 2009 (the Indians played their first game today) than he did starting regularly through the full first quarter of the 2008 season.

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Since I can't get my act together and make a decent mix anymore these days, I decided (after Holly's comment) to finally get all the old ones uploaded in one spot. Twelve and counting currently via MediaFire.
