Transfusion #4: A Few of My Favorite Things
First, this essay/manifesto, by David Bordwell on the absence of great film writing, is for Charles to read. I've been meaning to read On the History of Film Style for a while now, but this was engaging enough that I might really do it. I'm sure I must have read him in Media Theory class somewhere.
Two pictures: Older people dancing and younger people dancing.
The New York Times had an article today on beards and their return to fashion.
Two pictures: Older people dancing and younger people dancing.
The New York Times had an article today on beards and their return to fashion.
Mr. Martin's idea of a style symbol, seriously, is Ulysses S. Grant.Also, this site makes me laugh every time I think about it, no matter what: " Make Any URL Gigantic!"
For a while men have looked too much like Boy Scouts going off to day camp.
Do beards that call to mind Charles Manson suggest dissatisfaction with "the system"?
"I wonder if beards can have the oomph they once had when it feels like someone will ask you: 'Where did you get that beard? Is that beard from Dolce & Gabbana?'" - Tim Harrington, Les Savy Fav
No survey ever conducted about women's attitudes toward beards, even those not underwritten by the Gillette Company, has indicated that more than 2 or 3 percent of women would describe a full beard as sexy.
1 Comment(s):
Two years behind the trend: a piece on the Metrognome.
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