Day 4

It's as good a day as any to update my walking map of Seattle. The fact that it is now always dark and frequently raining after work makes it much less enjoyable to stroll anywhere other than home, or perhaps some other place close and warm, so progress is likely to slow considerably.

As a reminder, the red indicates streets without sidewalks which I will ignore. The paler streets are those I've walked. The map stretches from 85th Street at the north edge to Jackson Street at the south. At this point I've pretty much covered everywhere regularly convenient and started on places that aren't, although that's not such a bad thing. The truly and deeply residential areas of the city along the west and east sides will likely be the last to go. Queen Anne is also a steep enough hill that walking down is not entirely enjoyable and walking directly up is foolish.

UPDATE: I should also mention that Seattle street views are now available on Google Maps. The house numbers are not correct, but the pictures are clear enough that you might be able to read them anyway.


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