Blue Turning Gray

People of a certain age generally attribute lapses in memory to encroaching senility--with a chuckle, of course. My mom regularly claims she forgot everything as young as thirty.

This morning after I finished listening to The Modern Lovers, it felt like time for Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, only I had no idea what the name of the band was anymore. After a bit I realized that I could at least recall the title of "In This Home on Ice," from which point I located the appropriate MP3s. Without iTunes I might have just had to stare at my record collection in silence.

I'm going to attribute this to simply listening to and reading about too much other good music since 2005. Twenty-five is too early to joke about being put in a home, anyway.


1 Comment(s):

Blogger Charles Petersen said...

Or just that CYHSY might be a particularly forgettable band. One hit (or album) wonders are like that.

7:31 PM  

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