Evil Empire

Tonight at the AMC Empire 25, watching The Assassination of Jesse James, I sat next to two people who made quiet, inane comments to each other throughout the entire movie. Some guy several rows behind was actually responding loudly to the movie, though he was shut up for a while by an annoyed fellow patron. I think in the small front section of seats where I sat, at least six people got up to leave at various points during the screening, all walking in front of the screen.

Regarding the movie itself, it might be great but I had a hard time deciding with so many distractions. I didn't much care for the voiceover narration until the end; mostly it was, or should have been, pretty redundant. The film looked very good, with interesting long-held close-ups, and effective saturation of browns for an old west color scheme. I liked Casey Affleck a lot, wondering how much of the uncomfortable obsessive character was in the script and how much was his own contribution, so I'll almost certainly try to see Gone Baby Gone over the next several weeks. There are a lot of small touches, like with food, for example, that I think I could pick up on a second time through.


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