Mid-July Notes

Brian and Chepina will be arriving by train tomorrow. Apart from a Yankees game Monday night, I'm not sure what exactly is on the agenda. Well, probably a slice or two (or more) of pizza.

After that, assuming I can secure a photo ID (my birth certificate arrives tomorrow), I'll fly out to Seattle on Wednesday evening, where, if all goes well, I ought to arrive at the MVS house about 1 am by some formula involving the bus and perhaps a taxi. If I manage to pack light enough I may just stroll up from downtown as Pike and Pine should be lively at that time. There will be a party on Friday night.

Saturday I'll take the train to Portland, head to Beaverton for a gathering at Summer's house, and stay at the NW Portland hostel. Sunday will be Max & Summer's wedding at the winery. Monday I'll return to New York, hopefully in decent enough time so that I can stay awake at work the next day.

I'm kind of worried that I'll forget something important along the way. Regardless, it should be a fairly packed (and outstanding) week and a half. I don't think I've ever seen so many different friends in such a short period of time.

In other news, after seeing nine movies in theaters in a week, my urge to go out has snapped, so I've turned to season 1 of How I Met Your Mother, which is as great as I'd hoped. I've never really seen it regularly on CBS, but what I did catch I really liked. Apart from Neil Patrick Harris's Barney, one of the most brilliant roles ever featured on a sitcom, almost everyone on the show feels like someone I went to college with or have met since. The writers have a terrific ear for twentysomething dialogue that sounds lifelike (unusual for sitcoms in my experience) but sharp and witty (it's not exactly mumblecore) and a knack for slipping in cultural signifiers pretty inconspicuously, except for the Belle & Sebastian product placement which was overdone and clumsy, though not unappreciated. They also drink more regularly than I think I've ever seen on television. That is to say, it seems like the consumption of alcohol is more broadly and intelligently planned than on most shows, where it's good for drunken escapades roughly once a season or so.

In addition to NPH, Jason Segel is really solid. He was perhaps my favorite male on Freaks & Geeks (though Seth Rogen is tough competition), at least when he wasn't totally stoned, and also has some great one-liners in Knocked Up, if you've unwisely avoided seeing that so far. (Sample, outside the delivery room: "I mean, gynecology is just a hobby of mine, but...") That reminds me that I saw an article in Variety about how Judd Apatow has something like five movies slated for release in 2008. I can't find the exact thing online, but this blurb about Year One lists a bunch of projects at the end.

1 Comment(s):

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Andy,

Which train to Portland are you on for Saturday? I am taking one that leaves Seattle at 7:30 am, and I'm coming back from Portland on 6:15 pm on Monday.


6:28 PM  

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