The Most Colossally Self-Involved Blog Post Ever... Is Coming

Yes, that would be my Top 1000 Songs Of All Time, forthcoming maybe by July, depending. I'm just down through The Strokes right now (Room on Fire seems far less enjoyable than I recall thinking back in college though Is This It? holds up), but I need to go back and get stuff that I added or re-added to the iTunes library since I started making it way back in October or so. It's not likely to be exactly 1000 songs, but probably pretty close.

The project is aimed more at utility than close analysis; as someone who keeps a ton of new music on the iPod, I sometimes find it hard to remember what I was listening to last year or five years ago, so this should come in handy.

As I was at the Museum for the Moving Image watching three rather violent movies this weekend (White Dog, The Big Red One, and Exiled), I also toured the exhibits for the first time. My favorite part was a simulated control room for a baseball telecast. All eight feeds plus the main monitor were running along with the soundtrack of the director "calling the shots," which seemed like a very hectic job, although I assume the process is largely routinized and perhaps even a little boring for him at times.

There were also a number of playable video games: I partook of Donkey Kong, Tron, and Karate Champ in the arcade versions, as well as Road Rage and Katamari Damacy on the PS2. I saw a couple variations on Dance Dance Revolution, some horrifically complicated Star Wars computer from '05 which nobody played, a Star Wars arcade game, Death Race (arcade) and a few others.


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