Saturday Night/Sunday Afternoon

I did manage to get to John Tejada's live PA at Luna Lounge last night. It was my first time to Williamsburg--I've only been through on the bus before--and I liked what I saw, though I'd need to spend more time and wander farther to form more of an opinion. A good lesson to remember for the future is that I really can only bear to stand around for about 2.5 hours at a time before I'm tempted to head home. That is to say, if I'd arrived around 1:30 instead of midnight, I probably could have stuck around until closing time. I didn't care all that much for what the opening DJ was spinning, but really enjoyed (as I expected) Tejada's performance. Next up, except for maybe Ted Leo or, if I get really lucky, LCD Soundsystem, will be Dub War on the early morning of May 20 featuring Kode 9 and Shackleton. I've only heard dubstep played out once, after a set by DJ/rupture, and it sounded good, but I'm guessing this will be a lot more massive.

Just finished Bill McKibben's The End of Nature, which I'd been meaning to read for a while and wish I'd actually read last year, since it provides a good conceptual grasp on the ongoing environmental destruction, particularly climate change, which can feel all-encomapssing and rather overwhelming for those who spend much time on the subject, as I did last year at Grist. It's also really well-written and, even at eighteen years old, a good introduction to climate change and the incredibly broad array of issues that may result.


1 Comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill McKibben is really tall, which you don't really get from the teeny "Dispatch" pictures.

I was going to look for "Environmentalism for Dummies" or the like at one point but have settled for The Nanny Diaries.

(Totally comparable. One's about our "mother" and one's about children...sounds like identical plot lines to me. If the destruction of earth was a plot, I mean.)

11:54 PM  

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