Rung Theater

A self-described "microcinema" in the industrial neighborhood of Georgetown. It's in a really non-descript building, but they have a nice neon sign outside. The area seemed pretty abandoned on Friday. Tristan, who is Chloe's friend, said he'd been to a party in the area in some warehouse-type place that appeared to have blood stains on the walls. A former abattoir, perhaps?

It was really cozy. They showed no-budget short films from Seattle's F***ing Fabulous Film Festival. They were all short, all invigorating, and all more or less insane. The first somehow had Piper Perabo in it. Short descriptions:
  • Knuckleface Jones directed by Todd Rohal
  • A nerdy guy wakes up in the forest completely tied up. A group of beatbox-ers in whitey-tighties picks on him. A girl makes a hilarious bowl of cereal, gyrates with a gasoline pump, and destroys small appliances with the help of two boy scouts, only to be visited immediately thereafter by the underwear bandits.
  • Piledriver directed by Calvin Lee Reeder
  • A delightfully playful, offbeat little love story capped off by the best scene of the night: mutual declarations of love followed by a tragic and, I suppose, viscerally hilarious accidental murder. Not quite as evil as it sounds.
  • Cat With Hands directed by Robert Morgan
  • Brief, terrifying myth with great effects.
  • Son of Satan directed by JJ Villard (based on the story by Charles Bukowski)
  • Terrifically off-the-wall animation that switches styles with every shot. Kind of gruesome at the beginning, somehow the abusive end lightens things up.
  • Printer Jam directed by Doug Pond
  • Seemingly dull until the second half where the elements of the first half are mashed up and remixed into some kind of a music video of itself.
  • Milton Is A Shitbag directed by Courtney Davis
  • About a demonic cat and his increasingly frustrated owner. The cat voice is great.
  • Hillbilly Robot directed by Todd Rohal
  • The frenetic Russian guy is hilariously demented. Oh, and one of the guys is wearing a Massillon Tigers jacket, which is unexpectedly cool, at least to me.


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