Saturday MP3 #8
Somewhere this week I saw a "five favorite bands" list, and I don't really remember where it was or who wrote it, but of course I had to make one up for myself. Number two, in order of clamoring inside my brain to be included, was Galaxie 500. I'm not sure if that's accurate, or mostly because I finally got my hands on On Fire within the past few weeks, but I'm not ashamed to put them up there.
"Ceremony" isn't actually on the album; it's actually a bonus track originally released on the Blue Thunder EP, but it's quite rousing.
And here's the rest of the list, from which I've chosen to make no further inferences. Feel free to do so on your own if you'd like:
MMJ: Part 2
"Ceremony" isn't actually on the album; it's actually a bonus track originally released on the Blue Thunder EP, but it's quite rousing.
And here's the rest of the list, from which I've chosen to make no further inferences. Feel free to do so on your own if you'd like:
- My Morning Jacket
- Galaxie 500
- Velvet Underground
- Aphex Twin
- Keith Fullerton Whitman
MMJ: Part 2
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