I got my camera back today after it being gone a couple of weeks for repairs. It functions now, but the memory card is having troubles. This is frustrating since the memory card worked when I last used the camera, so I don't know if the problem is in the camera or the card or the combination. I might sort it out eventually.
Today on the way home (listening to the second half of Emergency & I; I decided at least one reason "The City" is so great is because you're expecting loud guitars in the bridge, since it's an unhappy rock song, but instead you get keyboards playing over a groove, and it works!) my right iPod headphone started making rattling noises or something, which I think might give me an excuse to get some new ones, probably with Christmas-related funds, as they become available.
Now, I know you're saying to yourself, didn't he just buy himself some nice headphones? Yes, you are right, and they sound very nice, but they also force everyone else to listen to what I am hearing because of their design. This is okay in my room but not okay on the bus or in the library or basically anywhere with other people in an enclosed space.
On the other hand, I'd love to get a subscription to The Wire, or, alternatively, three to six other magazines rather than a second good pair of headphones.
Today on the way home (listening to the second half of Emergency & I; I decided at least one reason "The City" is so great is because you're expecting loud guitars in the bridge, since it's an unhappy rock song, but instead you get keyboards playing over a groove, and it works!) my right iPod headphone started making rattling noises or something, which I think might give me an excuse to get some new ones, probably with Christmas-related funds, as they become available.
Now, I know you're saying to yourself, didn't he just buy himself some nice headphones? Yes, you are right, and they sound very nice, but they also force everyone else to listen to what I am hearing because of their design. This is okay in my room but not okay on the bus or in the library or basically anywhere with other people in an enclosed space.
On the other hand, I'd love to get a subscription to The Wire, or, alternatively, three to six other magazines rather than a second good pair of headphones.
Labels: Music
2 Comment(s):
A suggestion for your Grado headphones: On mine, the internal connection between the wire and driver broke in each of the ears after only about two years of normal use. (I soldered the first one back together successfully, but the second repair didn't work.) I think this was caused by the fact that, while there's a stop on the inside to keep the wires from pulling downward on the connection, there's no upward stop, meaning that the solder connections get a lot of movement over time. Putting a small cable tie tightly on the wires just below where they enter the muffs keeps it from moving -- not too attractive, but would probably make them last longer.
I swear we have some sort of bizarre mental connection. First Philip Seymour Hoffman, and now an Emergency & I resurgence. I've been listening to that album obsessively again, as I do, and last night sent a couple songs from it to Alex since he still doesn't know Dismemberment Plan despite his indie awakening.
And the bridge is definitely my favorite part of "The City"--it does work so strangely well. I always come back to "8 1/2 Minutes" as my favorite track on the album, though I'm not sure if I could tell you why. As a matter of fact, even writing that leads me to question whether it's true. Hm.
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