Weather, etc.

According to the National Weather Service, today is the last nice day for a while. I didn't know this when I decided to do so, but I went up in the Bank of America tower today, across from the Seattle Public Library, because it was there and the doors weren't locked. I tried to go to the 50th floor, because that was the highest number I could see in the elevator system, but that didn't seem accessible, so I wandered around on the unfinished 47th floor for a while, looking out to Mt. Rainier and the Space Needle, which I was about level with, and so on and so forth. I was completely blown away when I saw Rainier for the first time last Friday going south on I-5. Charles said it reminded him of Mt. Fuji's relationship to Tokyo, which was certainly true from my view almost atop the Bank of America tower.

I still haven't gotten settled what with our retreat to the country this weekend. Charles and I saw Wolf Parade at the Crocodile Cafe on Thursday night. It was just about perfect, probably as good as I've been to since Bloc Party. One of those shows that makes you wish you were in the band, but still feeling lucky to be in the crowd. The encore of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" got me to thinking about appropriate times and places for Guns n' Roses songs (or Dylan covers), and this was totally one. The high point was probably not during any of the songs, but rather when the singer who was standing (as opposed to the one who was sitting; don't know their names, don't yet have the album) felt inclined to tell us that, though he might be drunk, he wanted us to know that even if it sounded dorky and earnest there was nowhere else he'd rather be (on stage, not Seattle specifically), and the way he did so was just icing on the cake.

My camera is not working. More later?


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