Irresponsible Investing

I remember being dumbfounded back when the tech bubble burst that people were complaining so severely about the money they'd lost on the stocks. Look at the Dow Jones, I said, it's gone down but not enough to wreck your lifestyle. I hadn't thought about the issue for a long while until I saw this opinion piece from tomorrow's Christian Science Monitor. It makes a lot of sense, at least from what I could gather about the choices people made during the last major stock downturn.

Also, regarding radio, Max & Summer will be taking my place this Thursday, since I will be returning from the Animal Collective show, so I will be broadcasting for two hours this Sunday, from 6 to 8 pm. I'm pretty sure I'll take the opportunity to play things I wouldn't normally play on Thursday night, but I don't know just what yet. I also want to remix the first half of the Arcade Fire's "Wake Up" with parts of some of my other favorite songs from that album, because I think the chorus could be used to more dramatic effect than it is, but even if I do get started on that, I don't know how long it might take.


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